Universal Spirituality: Changing the Face of Christianity with guest Ray Yungen
Ray Yungen is an author, speaker and research analyst. He’s the author of A Time of Departing and For Many Shall Come in My Name.
From labyrinths to yoga to Tantric sexuality, there is literally a flood of New Age/New Spirituality practices and techniques entering the American societal landscape. Ray believes that meditation is the key practice that underlies all of this. He noted that according to Time magazine, in 1994, 5 million Americans were meditating. In 2004 that number had doubled to 10 million and now, 4 years later, 17 million people are practicing meditation. Keep in mind that this is not meditation in the biblical sense. Instead, this refers to the practice of entering into altered states of consciousness.
As the first quarter hour moves along, Ray proves how it’s more than just meditation that’s become enormously popular. As an example, Ray mentions Reiki. This is the generic word for the occult in Japan and is said to open up psychic communication channels and communication with the spirit world. Reiki is a type of energy healing, a genre that includes Therapeautic Touch, Healing Touch, Quantum Touch and more.
The second quarter hour looks at the history and current Christian interest in contemplative spirituality, focusing on names in the movement such as Brian McClaren, Marcus Borg and Richard Foster.
Callers add their views in the second half of the hour, helping to round out an informative program on this dangerous trend that is challenging the Church.
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Lighthouse Trails Publishing