
Isaiah 14:1 - 14:12 (Read verse 9)

Bible Study by Dave Ramey

Isa 14:9 Hell from beneath is moved for thee to meet thee at thy coming: it stirreth up the dead for thee, even all the chief ones of the earth; it hath raised up from their thrones all the kings of the nations.

These 'chief ones' is 'attuwd' in Hebrew meaning 'prepared, i.e. full grown; spoken only (in plural) of he-goats, or (figuratively) leaders of the people' (Strong's no.6260). We've had quite a bit of teaching already from our Father in this Great Book of Isaiah about certain 'leaders of the people'. These are the leaders who willfully mislead, seeking 'reward' remember? (see Isa.3). They represent the 'goats' that are separated by Christ as written in Matt.25, and are put on the left-hand.

The last Chapter of Isaiah gave us a Message about the destruction of Babylon. It was historical with Cyrus and Darius causing a literal destruction of the geographical Babylon, but is given as a blueprint for how it will happen again. But this next time, it will apply to the Babylon 'beast' system spoken of in Rev.13 & 17. That last system is not complete yet today, as it must have their false king present to finish it, and he will come in this last generation of flesh upon the earth, the generation of the fig tree. This fake king is none other than Lucifer, Satan himself, playing the role of 'a spurious Messiah' (Matt.24:24 in the Greek).

This Chapter 14 is going to reveal to us this Lucifer as the false king of the future Babylon, and how he and that 'beast' system will be defeated when Jesus Christ comes with the 'brightness of His coming' (2 Thess.2).


The last Chapter of Isaiah gave us a Message about the destruction of Babylon. It was historical with Cyrus and Darius causing a literal destruction of the geographical Babylon, but is given as a blueprint for how it will happen again. But this next time, it will apply to the Babylon 'beast' system spoken of in Rev.13 & 17. That last system is not complete yet today, as it must have their false king present to finish it, and he will come in this last generation of flesh upon the earth, the generation of the fig tree. This fake king is none other than Lucifer, Satan himself, playing the role of 'a spurious Messiah' (Matt.24:24 in the Greek).
Some have tried to teach that The Book of Revelation was not really penned by John the Apostle, but by some other John who lived centuries later. Others have even tried to say that Revelation doesn't belong with our Holy Bible, mainly because of all the different symbology in contrast to the rest of The New Testament. And still others, would even say that Revelation was written by a pagan because of all the symbols! But those of you who have been studying with me here in Isaiah, you know those remarks to be all lies! Even more, those who have taken the time to verify what little documentation I've given from Revelation in this Study of Isaiah, you now could just about teach half The Book of Revelation to others. Add just the first six Chapters of Genesis to it, and you could teach another big part of Revelation. How terrifically silly... those previous false statements about Revelation not being given by Jesus Christ through His Apostle John, now sounds.
This Chapter 14 is going to reveal to us this Lucifer as the false king of the future Babylon, and how he and that 'beast' system will be defeated when Jesus Christ comes with the 'brightness of His coming' (2 Thess.2). We ask a Word of Wisdom from our Father in Christ Jesus' Name, Amen.

Isa 14:1 For the LORD will have mercy on Jacob, and will yet choose Israel, and set them in their own land: and the strangers shall be joined with them, and they shall cleave to the house of Jacob.

'Jacob' here means all twelve tribes of Israel, which does not apply only to Jews. The Jewish people make up only one tribe, i.e. Judah, from all twelve. The 'house of Judah' now resides in the middle-east state called Israel, along with Benjamin and Levi joined with them. The other Ten Tribes were scattered abroad along with other Jews, and most of Judah knows this.
The phrase 'and will yet choose Israel' refers to the putting back together of the scattered ten tribes called the 'house of Israel' in God's Word, and the 'house of Judah', into one Israel again, as it was before the split recorded in I & II Kings (also see Ezek.37). That joining has not happened yet today, as today's nation state of Israel has no 'king' over them (see the Lost Tribes study). The lost tribes, which are not lost to our Father, will be joined back to their 'own land' in Israel. These 'strangers' are the Gentiles who accept Christ as God's Savior also. This is truly what the 'gathering' by Christ at His second Advent means.

Isa 14:2 And the people shall take them, and bring them to their place: and the house of Israel shall possess them in the land of the LORD for servants and handmaids: and they shall take them captives, whose captives they were; and they shall rule over their oppressors.

It's very important to note this term "house of Israel" here. This verse did not completely happen during the time of Cyrus. Do you know why that is true? If you'll remember your Bible history as given in Ezra, only a portion of the 'house of Judah' returned back to Jerusalem after the Babylon captivity. The 'house of Israel' remained in captivity to Assyria and are not mentioned in the Book of Ezra, and were further scattered among the countries and nations, forming the Western Christian Nations of today.
For our future, this verse refers to when God gathers His elect from the four corners of the earth, setting them up as His People again, in the land He gave them. These 'servants and handmaids' refer to the elect Gentiles who become part of that family also, as 'handmaids' is from the Hebrew 'shiphchah' meaning 'to spread out as a family' (Strong's no.8198). Much land on this earth today is not inhabitable, but when this setting up takes place, there will be enough land for all to spread out on. There won't be any more overcrowded cities and such.

Isa 14:3 And it shall come to pass in the day that the LORD shall give thee rest from thy sorrow, and from thy fear, and from the hard bondage wherein thou wast made to serve,

Christ now is our Sabbath, which means 'rest'. But our LORD is not here with us yet, so we will not enter into that full 'Rest' until the 'gathering' back to Christ is accomplished. So when is this going to happen? In 'that day', the Lord's Day'. Then it'll be a wonderful habitation (see Zech.3).

Isa 14:4 That thou shalt take up this proverb against the king of Babylon, and say, "How hath the oppressor ceased! the golden city ceased!

Isa 14:5 The LORD hath broken the staff of the wicked, and the sceptre of the rulers.

So what's a 'proverb'? It's an ethical saying containing wisdom, a poem or maxim. This 'proverb' is against the 'king of Babylon', and for us in today's time, it is Satan and his 'beast' kingdom called again, Babylon. This 'proverb' against Satan the 'wicked one' and his false kingdom covers all the way to verse 21 of this Chapter 14 (note the later end quote). When this cherub Lucifer and his false 'beast' system is defeated, we'll be saying, "How great the overthrow of the false one and his kingdom was by Christ! Lucifer caused the first overthrow 'of old' ('katabole' from 'kataballo' in the Greek), but that time can't compare with God's overthrow of him and his wicked system!"

Isa 14:6 He who smote the people in wrath with a continual stroke, he that ruled the nations in anger, is persecuted, and none hindereth.

This 'He' is Satan. Most people just don't get the 'big picture' when they see potentially good leaders making unethical laws and decisions. They need to re-read Luke 4:5-8 where Satan declares that the kingdoms of the world are given to him during this flesh age.
If one is just seeing the negative political side of God's Plan, and not understanding what our Father would have us do by understanding His Word, then you put yourself in a position to be deceived later. Now this does not just mean we can take law into our own hands as individuals either. We are to follow civil law (Romans 13; 1 Peter 2). If the majority of our leaders had God's Truth and His Law in their minds, then the majority would make righteous judgments in our justice system, removing the evil from among us. Since the majority are deceived today, hence the state of affairs with all the evil around us. Our State and local representatives serve as one method of 'say' where we can make some difference, as the people of America still have that elective power, and our representative's voting records on the issues are the best way to 'cull' those who have 'double-standards'. At the same time, know that our Father has given control to Satan during this time, but it doesn't just mean 'laying down' and playin' dead. Stand up for what's right! Make a difference! Be a little salty! After all, there is a spiritual war going on.

Isa 14:7 The whole earth is at rest, and is quiet: they break forth into singing.

These verses are all during Christ's Millennium reign upon earth, so we're jumping forward in time here. This 'quiet' and 'singing' happens because Satan and his host are cast into the pit when Christ returns to claim all the kingdoms of earth. Most have read or heard Psalms 98 with, "Make a joyful noise unto the LORD...". That 98th Psalm is really about this event here, as the last verse of that Psalm reveals God coming to earth in righteous judgment. This time of spiritual joy is also written of at the last part of Rev.18 and the beginning of Rev.19.

Isa 14:8 Yea, the fir trees rejoice at thee, and the cedars of Lebanon, saying, 'Since thou art laid down, no feller is come up against us.'

Do you remember 'the tree of knowledge of good and evil' which existed in God's Garden Eden? God uses 'trees' as analogies in many places within His Word, as I gave many Scripture references to the 'tree' in my Genesis studies. This verse is referring to Lucifer, i.e. Satan, as the one who is 'laid down', because he's cast into the pit, so he isn't able to 'come up against us' at that time during Christ's Millennium reign. Let's turn to Ezekiel 31 to get a clearer picture:

Ezek 31:3 Behold, the Assyrian was a cedar in Lebanon with fair branches, and with a shadowing shroud, and of an high stature; and his top was among the thick boughs.

Here we go with 'the Assyrian' again. Not too far back in this study of Isaiah we came to know this 'Assyrian' as a 'type' for Satan of the future. Likewise, as this reference here in Ezekiel with the Assyrian, it was historical also. But we are going to see some 'markers' that don't fit the historical Assyrian who took the 'house of Israel' into captivity, and who also came up against Jerusalem.
This 'cedar in Lebanon' is referring to Satan when he was a good cherub, before his fall. His 'fair branches' 'of a high stature' shows his position over the other trees in that time 'of old'.

Ezek 31:4 The waters made him great, the deep set him up on high with her rivers running round about his plants, and sent out her little rivers unto all the trees of the field.

These 'waters' represent that 'River' written of back in Gen.2:10 and Rev.22:1 which proceed from The Throne of God and of The Lamb (Jesus Christ). That's how Lucifer originally had this high stature; it didn't originate from himself, but from God. Ezekiel 28 gives more about Lucifer when he was made perfect in beauty, and was perfect in his ways before iniquity was found in him. So I hope you understand; we're going way...back here in time, the time of the first earth age before Lucifer fell.

Ezek 31:5 Therefore his height was exalted above all the trees of the field, and his boughs were multiplied, and his branches became long because of the multitude of waters, when he shot forth.
6 All the fowls of heaven made their nests in his boughs, and under his branches did all the beasts of the field bring forth their young, and under his shadow dwelt all great nations.
7 Thus was he fair in his greatness, in the length of his branches: for his root was by great waters.

This is all deep metaphor, except for the end of verse 6, which I hope you noticed: 'all great nations'. The subject changed from 'trees' to 'nations' in verse 6, and back to 'trees' at verse 7 didn't it? Our Father's just checking to see if we're paying attention. Yes, there were nations which existed in the first earth age. Jer.4 gives more clues of that, mentioning 'cities' while linking to Genesis 1:2 with "without form, and void", a verse that most are taught means the first creation of this earth. Gen.1:2 began the cleansing and renewing of this second earth age, after Satan and his host had turned it into a 'ruin' (tohuw; bohuw-Strong's nos.8414;922).

Ezek 31:8 The cedars in the garden of God could not hide him: the fir trees were not like his boughs, and the chestnut trees were not like his branches; nor any tree in the garden of God was like unto him in his beauty.

We're getting closer.... Cedars stay green year round, so they are good analogies for God and His People in the sense of 'everlasting'. So where's this 'garden of God', I mean, was the historical Assyrian ever there?

Ezek 31:9 I have made him fair by the multitude of his branches: so that all the trees of Eden, that were in the garden of God, envied him.

So, this 'Garden of God' is none other than the Garden of Eden. If you remember back to Gen.2:9, The Tree of Life (Jesus Christ) was there also (also see Rev.2 & 22; Mark8:24). That high cedar in the Garden of Eden was Lucifer, and he is a type for the Assyrian, because we know the historical Assyrian was never in the Garden of Eden near God's Throne and The Lamb.
Now let's go back to Isaiah 14:9:

Isa 14:9 Hell from beneath is moved for thee to meet thee at thy coming: it stirreth up the dead for thee, even all the chief ones of the earth; it hath raised up from their thrones all the kings of the nations.

This word 'Hell' is 'she'owl' in Hebrew meaning 'Hades or the world of the dead' (Strong's no.7585). It's a place of spiritual torment, not a literal burning. And...it is in heaven right now, for that's where Satan now is, and stands as the 'accuser of our brethren' (Rev.12:10). He will be cast out of heaven down to earth in our near future as written in Rev.12:7. Some think that 'hell' is a graveyard lot, others that it's in the center of the earth. Not so. Hell is a place of separation on one side of the 'great gulf fixed' in heaven, and within sight of Paradise where our Father and His Son reside, along with all those who are in Christ that have passed on casting off their flesh body, and are called 'saints' (see Luke 16; Rev.6; Eccl.12:7).
This phrase 'the dead' is 'Rephaim' in the Hebrew Manuscripts, from 'Rapha' and is a proper name.1 These are the fallen angels of Jude 1 which mixed with Adam's daughters, and beget an offspring of 'giants' to be destroyed (Gen.6). This word was mistranslated for 'the dead' in several places in the KJV. These are not our dead relatives who have passed on. The Hebrew words 'muwth' or 'maveth' are used to represent someone who dies in the flesh sense (Strong's no.4191;4194).
Here's all the places in the KJV where 'Rapha' occurs if you're interested. (It is rendered 'dead' seven times: Job 26:5; Ps.88:10; Prov.2:18; 9:18; 21:16; Isa.14:9; 26:19-- It is rendered 'deceased' in Isa.26:14-- It is kept as a proper name 'Rephaim', or the word 'giants' in: Gen.14:5; 15:20; Deut.2:11; 2:20; 3:11; 3:13; Jsh.12:4; 13:12; 15:8; 17:15; 18:16; II Sam.5:18; 5:22; 21:16,18, 20, 22; 23:13; IChron.11:15; 14:9; 20:4, 6, 8; Isa.17:5).
These 'chief ones' is 'attuwd' in Hebrew meaning 'prepared, i.e. full grown; spoken only (in plural) of he-goats, or (figuratively) leaders of the people' (Strong's no.6260). We've had quite a bit of teaching already from our Father in this Great Book of Isaiah about certain 'leaders of the people'. These are the leaders who willfully mislead, seeking 'reward' remember? (see Isa.3). They represent the 'goats' that are separated by Christ as written in Matt.25, and are put on the left-hand.

Isa 14:10 All they shall speak and say unto thee, 'Art thou also become weak as we? art thou become like unto us?'

This 'All they' refers back to the verse we just covered. They are the Rephaim (fallen ones) and the wicked chief rulers of the earth. Well who are they talking to? The fallen angels who are in chains in the pit, along with these false rulers, are talking to Satan as he is powerless when this event of Christ casting him into the pit takes place. It's like, "We thought surely you would triumph Satan, so how is it you're just like us now, weak and cast into chains?" I don't know about you, but I kind of look forward to this seeing this event.

Isa 14:11 Thy pomp is brought down to the grave, and the noise of thy viols: the worm is spread under thee, and the worms cover thee.

Again, this word 'grave' is 'she'owl' in Hebrew, meaning 'the pit, or Hades', the place of separation reserved for the wicked. These 'worms' are in the sense of 'maggots' upon a decaying carcass (Strong's nos.7415;8438). So then, 'Mr. Death' will experience his own 'death'.

Isa 14:12 How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! how art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations!

Finally! There is now no doubt, as to whom these verses are speaking about in this Chapter. It is none other than Lucifer, the 'son of the morning', i.e. Satan. This one is also God's 'rod of Mine anger' given back in Isa.10:6, but for our near future. That should be clear now with this verse. Note the phrase 'didst weaken the nations', as its meaning is going to come up in a moment.
The meaning of the name 'Lucifer' and the phrase 'son of the morning' is very important in this verse! The word 'Lucifer' is 'heylel' in Hebrew and it means '(in the sense of brightness); morning star' (Strong's no.1966). Who else is referred to as the 'morning star'? Let's turn to Rev.22:16, as we don't want to miss this:

Rev 22:16 "I Jesus have sent Mine angel to testify unto you these things in the churches. I am the Root and the Offspring of David, and the bright and morning Star."

Well, Jesus Christ is 'the bright and morning Star' here, so how can that be? Can there be two? Absolutely not! There's a fake 'morning star', and that one is Satan himself. He is called such because he will come to earth as written, and will try to make the whole world believe that he is that True Morning Star, i.e Christ Jesus. So we see that Lucifer's name is even a portrayal of a major lie, for he is The Lie. Satan has a false sword (Rev.6:8), comes to earth wearing a fake crown of twine and clothing of 'cheap fabric' on a white horse (Rev.6:2 in the Manuscripts), is a false 'rock' (Deut.32:31), a false prince (John 12:31; Eph.2:2; Ezek.28), a false king (of Babylon and Tyrus), and... 'a spurious Messiah' as written in Matt.24:24 and Mark13:22, in the Greek Manuscripts. Those are all 'roles' for Satan trying to be 'Messiah'.
These are all examples from God's Word letting us know about this disguised role of a false messiah, so how can anyone who has studied miss it? Are those who claim to teach God's Word which push 'fly away' "secret rapture" doctrines aware? I mean, they claim and act to the people like they're studied in The Word, so what goes on? I feel blessed by our Father and His Son Jesus Christ because it has been given me to know the difference between the 'fake' messiah and 'The True Morning Star Jesus Christ', and if you also understand, then thank our Father Yehovah for us both.
We're not done with this idea yet, so don't go anywhere. As this Message of Lucifer's fall in that 'time of old', i.e. the first earth age, is hinted at here in Isaiah 14, are there any more clues concerning that event? Compare the two following verses of Revelation:

Rev 12:3 And there appeared another wonder in heaven; and behold a great red dragon, having seven heads and ten horns, and seven crowns upon his heads.
4 And his tail drew the third part of the stars of heaven, and did cast them to the earth: and the dragon stood before the woman which was ready to be delivered, for to devour her child as soon as it was born.

Rev 13:1 And I stood upon the sand of the sea, and saw a beast rise up out of the sea, having seven heads and ten horns, and upon his horns ten crowns, and upon his heads the name of blasphemy.

I want you to look very closely at the sections in bold and underlined in the verses above. Notice that the number of 'crowns' don't match? Rev.12:3-4 was that first false kingdom of Lucifer's that caused him to fall in that first earth age. He drew 'the third part of the stars of heaven' with him to earth at that rebellion, and tried to set up a false 'one-world-government' of that time, but of course, it failed. That's when Lucifer along with his fallen angels (third part of the stars) 'didst weaken the nations'. Remember I said there were 'nations' setup on earth in that 'time of old, the first earth age? That system was also Lucifer's false kingdom of 'Tyrus' (see Ezekiel 28). This gives more meaning to those analogies of Lucifer being a 'high branch' surrounded by flowing waters, trying to set himself up as God. That's been his whole problem, and of those who follow him. He wants to be God, and not just 'a god', but The GOD. That's the message revealed here in Isaiah 14, Ezek.28, and II Thess.2. Since the deceived haven't understood this Message of how and why Satan fell, they easily believe II Thess.2 is talking about something else.
The next example of Rev.13:1 represents the false 'beast' 'one world government' system Satan's trying to setup on earth again in our near future, and it will have 'ten crowns', not 'seven' as before (see also Rev.17).
So we see that this plan today of 'one world government' is nothing new. All the vast attempts in our past history during this second earth age of flesh have been towards bringing about Satan's second false kingdom upon earth, again; and that, to supplant God's True Kingdom under Christ. But it won't work, nor did it in that first time. God's True Kingdom upon this earth with Christ as KING existed before Satan (Lucifer) rebelled in that first earth age. THIS is what True Salvation by our Christ is about and is His Truth which sets us free, for when we believe on Yeshu'a Messiah Jesus Christ as God's Savior, our spirit RETURNS to that Knowledge in Christ, which we ALL once had before, even before this time of flesh!

Let's pick up the remainder of this Message in Isaiah with the next study. I hope all reading this study that haven't yet come to Christ Jesus, believing on Him as The Savior, will do so, as our Father sent His Son to us, and for us, to get us BACK, returning to YHVH, The Father of all souls Who truly does love us.

Peace be with you in Christ Jesus,
Dave Ramey.